Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Hello, and welcome to June.

The summer has come and there is so much we want to share with you. May this season bring you joy and happiness, and peace in your every step.

Below, find out about three awards we recently received, Lotus on TV,Dr. Armm's interview on volunteer work in Bali, a downloadable meditation course, Qi Mail and other continuing education links.

Also in this newsletter, is information for you to attend Dr. Marier'slecture on Diabetes, Tuesday, June 7th and read her latest testimonial. Stop by for Dr. Murphy's B12 Happy Hour, a farewell wish to Dr. Karlin and Dr. Anderson and check out Richard Hsu, LAc Tai Qi classes.

Lastly, we've included some informative links, we hope you will enjoy as we thank you for being a part of this wonderful community of healing.

Blessings to you and yours,

Brendan Armm, DAOM, LAc - Director / Founder

Winter Reign - General Manager / Co-Founder