Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Dr. Brendan Armm - Art Of Meditation - Class 7 (Part 2) - 5/18/16

  Check out Dr. Brendan Armm's "Art of Meditation" class. This fourteenth video covers the second half of the seventh class of his ten week meditation course, delivered on May 18, 2016. Material covered includes class lecture via powerpoint presentation and discussion, along with three meditation practices on the anatomical organs, including the kidneys, liver and pericardium.

#meditation #yinorgans #kidneys #liver #pericardium #breathing #brendanarmm #drbrendanarmm #emperorscollege #santamonica #acupuncture #acupuncturist #accupuncture #accupuncturist 

Dr. Brendan Armm - Art Of Meditation - Class 7 (Part 1) - 5/18/16

  Check out Dr. Brendan Armm's "Art of Meditation" class. This thirteenth video covers the first half of the seventh class of his ten week meditation course, delivered on May 18, 2016. Material covered includes class lecture via powerpoint presentation and discussion, along with three meditation practices on the anatomical organs, including the lungs, spleen and heart.

#meditation #yinorgans #lungs #spleen #heart #breathing #brendanarmm #drbrendanarmm #emperorscollege #santamonica #acupuncture #acupuncturist #accupuncture #accupuncturist 

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Dr. Brendan Armm - Art Of Meditation - Class 6 (Part 2) - 5/11/16

  Check out Dr. Brendan Armm's "Art of Meditation" class. This twelfth video covers the second half of the sixth class of his ten week meditation course, delivered on May 11, 2016. Material covered includes a class lecture and discussion on the five channel depths (tendo-muscular meridians, Luo collateral meridians, primary meridians, divergent meridians, and the eight extraordinary vessels), followed by a short guided meditation practice on the second half of the generating cycle moving from Metal to Water to Wood and back to Fire.

Dr. Brendan Armm - Art Of Meditation - Class 6 (Part 1) - 5/11/16

  Check out Dr. Brendan Armm's "Art of Meditation" class. This eleventh video covers the first half of the sixth class of his ten week meditation course, delivered on May 11, 2016. Moving into the second half of the ten week course, material covered includes a class lecture via powerpoint presentation and discussion on traditional taoist images of the yin organs, and a deeper look into the Ying Qi Cycle, followed by a guided meditation practice on the first half of the generating cycle moving from Fire to Earth to Metal.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Dr. Brendan Armm - Art Of Meditation - Class 5 (Part 2) - 5/04/16

  Check out Dr. Brendan Armm's "Art of Meditation" class. This tenth video covers the second half of the fifth class of his ten week meditation course, delivered on May 4, 2016. Material covered includes a class lecture and discussion on chanting the sacred syllabus AUM, expanding upon the earlier lecture on Sound Therapy and Sound Healing, followed by an AUM chanting meditation practice accompanied by Dr. Brendan Armm playing a tibetan singing bowl, to help focus our practice on our breathe and continual chanting to help still our minds and open our hearts. The practice is followed by a class discussion regarding our practice experience and observations.

Dr. Brendan Armm - Art Of Meditation - Class 5 (Part 1) - 5/04/16

  Check out Dr. Brendan Armm's "Art of Meditation" class. This ninth video covers the first half of the fifth class of his ten week meditation course, delivered on May 4, 2016. Material covered includes a class lecture and discussion on Sound Therapy and Sound Healing, followed by a meditation practice accompanied by Dr. Brendan Armm playing a tibetan singing bowl, to help focus our practice on our sense of hearing, and stilling our minds. The practice is followed by a class discussion regarding our practice experience and observations.